The Chemistry Laboratory is a structural unit of the “BIOR” Institute, which deals with research and analysis of chemical indicators in food products, environmental samples and other objects. The laboratory has the largest range of chromatography and mass spectrometry equipment among the Baltic laboratories, as well as specially qualified scientific and technical personnel. Several doctors of chemical sciences work in the laboratory, who conduct research on the distribution of chemical pollutants, as well as develop modern analysis methods. More than 100 laboratory publications are included in Scopus and Web of Science databases. The chemistry laboratory of the “BIOR” Institute performs several nationally delegated reference functions in cooperation with European reference laboratories. Several laboratory scientists represent Latvia in European expert working groups, providing their opinion and expertise in solving important issues.

The chemistry laboratory includes three groups:

The elemental analysis group performs physicochemical and chemical investigations in water and wastewater samples, as well as determination of chemical elements in food, feed and environmental samples. The Thermo Scientific Gallery Discrete Analyzer, as well as the modern technology analyzer, is used as standard laboratory equipment for testing water and wastewater samples. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ICP-MS Agilent 7700x is used to determine elements in food and feed. The department also has a gamma spectrometer BSI GS-02-97, with the help of which it is possible to determine various radionuclides in food products and animal feed. On the other hand, Sr-90 is also determined with the Perkin Elmer Quantulus 1220 liquid scintillation counter.

The chromatography group performs chromatographic analyzes of food, environmental and biological samples using various types of traditional detection systems (refractometry, conductivity, fluorescence, ultraviolet light, etc.) and mass spectrometry systems such as tandem mass spectrometry, high-resolution mass spectrometry and hybrid mass spectrometry (e.g. Orbitrap) .

The mass spectrometry excellence group combines modern instrumental analysis capabilities with excellent experience in testing various types of food products, animal feed and environmental objects. Analytical methods allow the analysis of persistent organic pollutants (eg dioxins and PHB), pesticides, benzopyrene and other harmful substances at ultra-low concentrations.