The bacteriology group performs bacteriological examination of clinically sick and deceased animals, birds, fish and bees, as well as determination of the resistance of the released bacterial microflora to medications. The scope of testing also includes the determination of sanitary, hygienic and environmental samples, as well as microbiological indicators of fodder quality. An important place in the group’s work is occupied by investigations carried out in accordance with the National Surveillance Plan for infectious diseases of animals and within the framework of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) monitoring. Another direction of the group’s activity is mycological investigations – determination of animal mycoses and dermatomycoses agents. The work uses classical investigation methods, as well as standards recognized in Europe and the world.

In the Medical Microbiology Group, all types of microbiological investigations are performed on human clinical material. There are also unique examinations – such as water and washing examinations for legionella, which in Latvia can only be performed at the “BIOR” Institute. There is cooperation with hospitals, outpatient medical institutions, as well as with individual practicing doctors.

Employees of the microbiology group carry out microbiological testing of water, food products, cosmetics and environmental samples. The group has the widest scope of microbiological methods of accredited food products in Latvia.

The Microorganism Genome Research Group works in several directions. Microbiological contamination of food products and the environment, as well as veterinary samples are examined in the laboratories using molecular biology methods. In the laboratory, it is possible to carry out full genome sequencing, which is the most modern available method of characterizing microorganisms and provides diverse information about bacterial virulence factors, antimicrobial resistance genes and the mutual genetic kinship of microorganisms. The “BIOR” institute is the first in Latvia to start an epidemiological investigation of outbreaks of foodborne infections using full genome sequence analysis. In addition to pathogen diagnostics, laboratory tests of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products and animal feed are also provided, as well as animal owners are offered to determine the genetic origin of cattle. In parallel with diagnostic testing, the group’s specialists actively participate in the implementation of scientific projects of various levels.

The parasitology group performs parasitological examination of a wide range of food products and veterinary samples. The group has the widest scope of accredited parasitological methods in the field of food products and veterinary examinations in Latvia. The group’s experts provide consultations on food production quality issues in the field of parasitology, as well as conduct trainings for those working in the state structure and other interested parties.

Highly qualified specialists work in the pathology group in the evaluation of animal pathologies with patho-anatomical, histological, morphological methods, as well as biochemical analyses. At the request of the customer, the leading experts make a conclusion about the detected pathology and comment on its causes, as well as advise on the possible connection of the results of biochemical examinations with the state of animal health. An important place in the group’s work is occupied by the complex laboratory diagnostic monitoring of animal transmissible spongiform encephalopathies with confirmatory methods and the control of the presence of prohibited protein components of animal origin in animal feed with microscopy methods.

The serology group conducts examination of animal and bird blood, cow’s milk and, in some cases, pork juice and bird egg yolk samples with various serological methods, determining antibodies against the agents of various infectious diseases, and in some cases also post-vaccination antibodies. Early pregnancy diagnosis is also carried out in blood and milk samples from cows, goats and sheep.

The virology group is the only place in Latvia where laboratory diagnostics of animal infectious diseases of viral origin (including zoonoses) is carried out, using all the methods most commonly used in the field of virology. In the laboratory, the detection of viruses in clinical and pathological samples of animal origin is carried out using both diagnostic screening tests (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), immunochromatography method), as well as complex confirmatory virological analyzes using living biological systems – cell cultures. Laboratory diagnostic schemes for many diseases include detection of viruses by specific molecular biology methods, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Molecular biology methods play an increasingly important role in modern laboratory diagnostic practice in the accurate and rapid determination of the possible causative agent of the disease. An important place in the group’s work is the complex laboratory diagnostic monitoring of animal transmissible spongiform encephalopathies with rapid tests.